- 最新产品
- 纹身针
- Cartridge tattoo needle
- Ultra Premium Tattoo Needles
- Premium Needles (#12 Standard Size)
- Premium Needles (#10 Bugpins)
- Premium Needles (#8 Bugpins)
- Textured Needles (#12 Standard Size)
- 配件
- 纹身手柄,针嘴, 握柄
- Tattoo Cartridge Grips
- ULTRA Brand Rubber Grip Tubes
- ULTRA Brand Disposable Tubes (No Grips)
- ULTRA Brand Disposable Tips
- Plastic Grip Tubes
- Rubber Grip Tubes
- Disposable Tubes (No Grips)
- Disposable Tips
- Steel Grips & Tips (Standard Style)
- Steel Grips & Tips (New Threaded Style)
- Super Magnum Tubes
- Brass Grip Tubes
- Aluminum Grip Tubes
- Grips and Covers
- 配件
- 纹身颜料和配件
- Scream Ink
- Immortal Ink
- 黑海颜料
- Black Light Ink
- Intenze Ink
- Intenze Ink Sets & Specials
- Kuro Sumi Ink
- New Black Ink
- Kokkai Sumi 2.0
- Dynamic Ink
- Talens ink
- 配件
- 纹身机
- Premium Tattoo Machines
- Advanced Tattoo Pens
- Professional Tattoo Machines
- Basic Tattoo Machines
- 11-Wrap Tattoo Machines
- 马达机
- Vincent tattoo machines
- MINI Tattoo Machines
- C Series 8-Wrap Tattoo Machines
- V-CLASS 8-Wrap Machines
- Hand-Poke Tools
- 配件
- 电源
- Premium Power Supplies
- Regular Power Supplies
- Foot Pedals
- Clip Cords
- 配件
- 纹身机器套装&初学者装备
- Tattoo Kits
- Practice Skins & Supplies
- 配件
- 纹身医用品
- Green Soap & Disinfectants
- Disposable Gloves & More
- Sterilization Equipment
- First-Aid Supplies
- Containers/Trays/Jars
- 转印装备
- 转印机&配件
- 转印纸
- 转印膏
- 纹身笔
- Tattoo Tryout
- Flash Art & Displays
- Flash Portfolios
- Flash Racks
- 纹身书&DVD
- 纹身书
- 纹身DVD
- 高压蒸汽灭菌器, 超声清洗仪
- 高压蒸汽灭菌器
- 超声清洗仪
- 配件
- 商店装饰及纹身用家具
- Store Decoration
- Tattoo Workstation
- Arm/Leg rests
- Tattoo Tables & Chairs
- 商店灯饰
- Lamps & Mirrors
- Tattoo Removal Lasers
- Tattoo Removel Lasers
- Accessories
- 穿刺器材
- Piercing Kits
- Piercing Jewelry
- Piercing Needles
- Piercing Tools
- Accessories
- Tattoo & Piercing Aftercare
- Tattoo Goo
- A and D Ointment
- Permanent Makeup Supplies
- EM Permanent Makeup Kits
- PMU Microblading Pens & Needles
- EM Permanent Makeup Needles
- EM Permanent Makeup Machines
- M Permanent Makeup Power Supply
- EM Permanent Makeup Ink
- EM Accessories
- Permanent Makeup Needles
- Permanent Makeup Machines
- PMU Power Supplies
- 配件
- Airbrush & Body Painting
- Airbrush Tattoo Kits
- Airbrush Nail Kits
- Airbrushes
- Compressors
- Airbrush Ink & More
- Adhesive Stencil Books
- Body Painting Ink & More
- Accessories
- Clearance
- Tattoo Machine
- 促销产品

Clip Cords
数量从 数量至 单价 1 9 $12.60 10 24 $10.50 25 49 $8.93 50 + $7.88
- Cord material: Imported anorexic copper wire wrapped with silicon gel, and with internal reinforcing fiber, the tension can reach 30 kilograms.
The whole wire is covered with transparent nylon thread, which is more durable and better feeling.
Cool design plug.
Plug: 1/4" Mono plug to RCA plug
Cord length:2 meters
Package: 1pc/box